Seminar on international Buddhist cultures

12 September, 2563/2020 Afternoon, MCU: Phra Sophonvachirabhorn, (Sawai Chotiko), Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs, is to hold a seminar on international Buddhist Cultures Exhibition, which is presented by foreign students, who are studying B.A, M.A, and Ph.D. as different faculties at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and finally the chairman has given certificates to the foreign students, who are representatives of them presenting the information of their cultures and Buddhism.

In this occasion, Ven. Dr. Phra Senghurng Narindo, Assistant to the Rector for Foreign Affairs, is to be a moderator for the seminar on international Buddhist Cultures Exhibition held at Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn 48 Auditorium Hall, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalay University, Ayutthaya.

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