Rector Inaugurates MCU Food Court

30 July, 2563/2020, at 09.00, MCU: Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Rajapariyatkavi, Rector of MCU, is to give a special speech to the audiences who are joining the opening ceremony of MCU Food Court. It is led by the Rector of MCU to inaugurate the MCU Food Court where is located nearby the 48th Birthday of the Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn Auditorium Hall, MCU, Ayutthaya. He also planted the trees as well.

In this occasion, Phra Sophonvachirabhorn, Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs, is with Acting Director, Dhammaduta College, MCU, lecturers, administers and staff of MCU to join chanting the ceremony, there are administers, lecturers, and students from different to join the ceremony as well.

News: Siriwanna Siriwanno, MCU

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